Create an effect size / p-value plot
Create a heatmap-like plot showing information about both effect size and p-values.
pval.thr = 0.01,
pval.cutoff = 1e-06,
row.labels = NULL,
col.labels = NULL,
plot.func = NULL,
grid = "at",
grid.color = "#33333333",
plot.cex = 1,
text.cex = 1, = "top",
symmetrical = FALSE, = "auto",
min.e = NULL,
max.e = NULL
- e
matrix with effect sizes
- p
matrix with probabilities
- pval.thr
The p-value must be this or lower in order for a test result to be visualized
- pval.cutoff
On visual scale, all p-values below pval.cutoff will be replaced by pval.cutoff
- row.labels
Labels for the modules. This must be a named vector, with module IDs as vector names. If NULL, module titles from the analyses results will be used.
- col.labels
Labels for the columns. If NULL, names of the elements of the list x will be used.
- plot.func
Optionally, a function to be used to draw the dots. See "Details"
- grid
Style of a light-grey grid to be plotted; can be "none", "at" and "between"
- grid.color
Color of the grid to be plotted (default: light grey)
- plot.cex
a numerical value giving the amount by which the plot symbols will be maginfied
- text.cex
a numerical value giving the amount by which the plot text will be magnified, or a vector containing three cex values for row labels, column labels and legend, respectively
Style of column names: "top" (default), "bottom", "both", "none"
- symmetrical
effect sizes are distributed symmetrically around 0 (default: FALSE)
Style of the legend: "auto" -- automatic; "broad": pval legend side by side with effect size legend; "tall": effect size legend above pval legend; "none" -- no legend.
- min.e, max.e
scale limits for the effect size
pvalEffectPlot shows a heatmap-like plot. Each row corresponds to one series of tests (e.g. one module), and each column corresponds to the time points or conditions for which a given analysis was run. Each significant result is shown as a red dot. Size of the dot corresponds to the effect size (or any arbitrary value), and intensity of the color corresponds to the log10 of p-value.
Just like a heatmap corresponds to a single numeric matrix, the pvalue / effect plot corresponds to two matrices: one with the effect size, and another one with the p-values. Each cell in the matrix corresponds to the results of a single statistical test.
For example, a number of genes or transcriptional modules might be tested for differential expression or enrichment, respectively, in several conditions.
By default, each test outcome is represented by a dot of varying size and color. Alternatively, a function may be specified with the parameter 'plot.func'. It will be called for each test result to be drawn. The plot.func function must take the following arguments:
row, coleither row / column number or the id of the row / column to plot; NULL if drawing legend
x, yuser coordinates of the result to visualize
w, hwidth and height of the item to plot
eEnrichment -- a relative value between 0 and 1, where 0 is the minimum and 1 is the maximum enrichment found
pP-value -- an absolute value between 0 and 1
For the purposes of drawing a legend, the function must accept NULL p-value or a NULL enrichment parameter.