Create a tmod panel plot using ggplot
Create a tmod panel plot using ggplot
sgenes = NULL,
auc_thr = 0.5,
q_thr = 0.05,
filter_row_q = 0.01,
filter_row_auc = 0.65,
q_cutoff = 1e-12,
cluster = TRUE,
id_order = NULL,
effect_size = "auto",
colors = c("red", "grey", "blue"),
label_angle = 45,
add_ids = TRUE,
mset = NULL
- res
a list with tmod results (each element of the list is a data frame returned by a tmod test function)
- sgenes
a list with summaries of significantly DE genes by gene set. Each a element of the list is a matrix returned by tmodDecideTests. If NULL, the bars on the plot will be monochromatic.
- auc_thr
gene sets enrichments with AUC (or other effect size) below `auc_thr` will not be shown
- q_thr
gene sets enrichments with q (adjusted P value) above `q_thr` will not be shown
- filter_row_q
Gene sets will only be shown if at least in one contrast q is smaller than `filter_row_q`
- filter_row_auc
Gene sets will only be shown if at least in one contrast AUC (or other effect size if specified) is larger than `filter_row_auc`
- q_cutoff
Any q value below `q_cutoff` will be considered equal to `q_cutoff`
- cluster
whether to cluster the IDs by similarity
- id_order
character vector specifying the order of IDs to be shown. This needs not to contain all IDs shown, but whatever IDs are in this vector, they will be shown on top in the given order.
- effect_size
name of the column which contains the effect sizes; by default, the name of this column is taken from the "effect_size" attribute of the first result table.
- colors
character vector with at least 1 (when sgenes is NULL) or 3 (when sgenes is not NULL) elements
- label_angle
The angle at which column labels are shown
- add_ids
add IDs of gene sets to their titles on the plot
- mset
an object of the type 'tmodGS'. If the option `cluster` is TRUE, the mset object is used to cluster the gene sets. By default, the built-in transcription modules are used. See details.
Panel plot is a kind of a heatmap. This is the most compact way of representing the results of several gene set enrichment analyses. Each row of a panel plot shows the result for one gene set, and each column shows corresponds to one analysis. For example, if one tests gene set enrichment for a number of different contrasts, then each contrast will be represented in a separate column.
Each cell of a panel plot shows both the effect size and the p-value. The p-value is encoded as transparency: the enrichments with a lower p-value have stronger colors. The size of the bar corresponds to the effect size, however it is defined. For example, in case of the tmodCERNOtest, tmodZtest or tmodUtest it is the area under curve, AUC.
In addition, the bars may also encode information about the number of up- or down-regulated genes. For this, an object must be created using the function tmodDecideTests. This object provides information about which genes in a particular gene set are regulated in which direction.
The order of the gene sets displayed is, by default, determined by clustering the gene sets based on their overlaps. For this to work, ggPanelplot must know about what genes are contained in which gene sets. This is provided by the parameter `mset`. By default (when mset is NULL) this is the built-in list of gene sets. If, however, the results of gene set enrichment come from a different set of gene sets, you need to specify it with the mset parameter. See Examples.
## prepare a set of results
genes <- Egambia$GENE_SYMBOL
exprs <- Egambia[ , -1:-4 ]
group <- gsub("\\..*", "", colnames(exprs))
## test differential expression using limma
design <- cbind(Intercept=rep(1, 30), TB=rep(c(0,1), each= 15))
if (FALSE) {
fit <- eBayes( lmFit(Egambia[,-c(1:3)], design))
tt <- topTable(fit, coef=2, number=Inf, genelist=Egambia[,1:3] )
res <- tmodCERNOtest(tt$GENE_SYMBOL)
## show the results using a panel plot
## add information about the significant genes
sgenes <- tmodDecideTests(tt$GENE_SYMBOL, lfc=tt$logFC, pval=tt$adj.P.Val)
names(sgenes) <- "limma"
ggPanelplot(list(limma=res), sgenes=sgenes)
## we will now compare the results of enrichments for different types of
## differential expression tests on the data
res_utest <- apply(exprs, 1, function(x) wilcox.test(x ~ group)$p.value)
res_ttest <- apply(exprs, 1, function(x) t.test(x ~ group)$p.value)
## Calculate the gene set enrichment analysis results for each of the
## different types of tests
res_tmod <- list()
res_tmod$limma <- res
res_tmod$utest <- tmodCERNOtest(genes[order(res_utest)])
res_tmod$ttest <- tmodCERNOtest(genes[order(res_ttest)])
## Using the `mset` parameter
## First, we generate results using a different set of gene sets
res_cs <- tmodCERNOtest(tt$GENE_SYMBOL, mset=cell_signatures)
## the following will triger a warning that no clustering is possible
## because ggPanelplot doesn't have the information about the gene set
## contents
## if we use the mset parameter, clustering is available
ggPanelplot(list(res=res_cs), mset=cell_signatures)